Julie Futcher is The Sales Ace. She has more than three decades of experience as a trainer, sales strategist, and as a salesperson. Julie reached out to me to help her communicate visually what she stands for and who she works with - aligning her website, social media and sales images with her brand. 
Julie's personal style is colourful and impactful, so we wanted to make sure she had plenty of variety in her images, starting with this gorgeous green before changing into red! 
Since Julie is based at home, we shot in and around her house and in her home office to show her working environment. In this post-Covid world the work from home culture has removed worries about not looking professional if pictured outside of an office environment. 

A New Story 

We then began to tell a new "story" - a more personal one that reflects who Julie is as a person, giving potential clients a glimpse into what it might be like to work with her. These included her beloved staffie, Alf, and what a star he turned out to be! 
Changing location, we took Alf for a walk. The sun was high and harsh, but with judicious posing we showed Julie in a different light. I particularly love the ones where she reminds me of Elizabeth Taylor in her prime! 
What stories do you have to tell about you and your business? How do you want to show up for your clients? If you'd like some help to elevate your visual presence, you can get in touch via the contact form, directly by email, or jump straight in and book a free and friendly chat via zoom  
I look forward to hearing from you! 
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